All about project planning

Projects, like products, have life cycles and are usually performed in phases. Each phase accomplishes specific work towards reaching the project goal and produces one or more deliverables. These are tangible, real items used in attaining the final goal of the project, and could include plans, studies, designs or software or hardware prototypes. The end of a phase is defined by completing its deliverable.

Phases in project planning

  • Definition phase
  • Planning phase
  • Execution phase
  • Closeout phase
  • Definition phase

    This phase begins when upper management creates a project charter that defines the project’s purpose and identifies the PM. The charter should also include a statement of support authorising the PM to perform his/her functions. During this phase, the project rules are defined. Both the PM and stakeholders determine the project’s goals, scope, and constraints. Key individuals and groups are identified as members of the project core team, and their roles are defined by both the PM and upper management. Upper management along with the PM also defines communications channels, authority, and the chain of command.

    Planning phase

    The planning phase uses the project rules as a foundation and defines the path to achieve the project goals. It is performed by the core project team. It involves creating a set of plans to help guide your team through the implementation and closure phases of the project.

    Execution phase

    here project goals are achieved.The execution phase entails directing the various work groups in theiractivities, monitoring their progress, solving problems and resolvingissues that will certainly come up, making changes to the plan, and coordinating these changes. This phase is complete when the product is complete, the project goals are reached, or the project is terminated.

    Closeout phase

    Project Closeout Phase begins with the delivery of the product or completion of the project goals or project termination. It consists primarily of tying up loose ends. Any unresolved issues from the contract or SOW (statement of work) are resolved in this phase. The contract is signed off as fulfilled and all other paperwork is completed. A very important activity of this phase is assembling the project history. This is a summary of all that has been accomplished.